This scenery for X-Plane 11 is dedicated to an archaeological area of South America: the Machupicchu National park.
It is a very suggestive and touristic area, a UNESCO heritage site and visited by 1 million tourists.
It is an archaeological site of INKAS civilization located in Peru, in Urubamba valley at 2430 mt of altitude.
The location is universally known for its impressive and original ruins, it's the third largest archaeological site in the world.
included in the degree -14 -073.
The whole territory was reconstructed on a photographic basis.
The village (Aguas Calientes,S.Teresa) are reproduced with typical buildings, hotels, residences ...
All the vegetation has been mapped and reproduced in 3D.
1 Airport grass-runways in S.Teresa distreect
3 heliports at the respective tourist sites and archaeological site.
Reconstructed with 3D models the area archaeological (INKAS) with 4K textures processed from photos.
This scenery is only suitable for VFR flight, only with a "visual flight".
ICAO codes: XLPMH MachuPicchu Aiport
HLPMH [H] Machu_Picchu Heliport
HLMPC [H] Machu_Picchu Area archeologica
HLPAC [H] Aguas Calientes
Screenshots: Archaelogical Area and Aguas Calientes Village